
Relevance. The important role of vitamin D in the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems of the body, as well as in various physiological processes, including cell growth and neuromuscular conduction, is known. Its deficiency in the body causes the risk of developing infectious, cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases. In this regard, vitamin D deficiency is an urgent public health problem in the world, including in the Kyrgyz Republic. Target: to study the level of vitamin D provision in different population groups of the Kyrgyz Republic by season. Materials and methods. An analysis of studies of vitamin D content was carried out by the Gemotest laboratory in 6274 people from various regions of the Kyrgyz Republic from January 2019 to August 2023. For laboratory studies, the electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA) method is used. Results. The results of vitamin D content (level) by gender, by year, and by region of the Kyrgyz Republic are presented. Conclusions. An analysis of the study showed that in the whole of the Kyrgyz Republic, only 35.48% of those surveyed had an adequate level of vitamin D. The highest proportion of the population with vitamin D deficiency was noted in the southern region of the Kyrgyz Republic (Batken, Jalalabad and Osh regions), mainly more in women and teenagers.


Vitamin D, public health, assessment, deficiency, insufficiency, age groups, seasons, Kyrgyz Republic.

Author Biographies

A.I. Buyuklyanov, International Higher School of Medicine

Department of Public Health

R.M. Atambaeva, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Hygienic disciplines

M.K. Esenamanova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Hygienic disciplines

F.A. Kochkorova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev

Department of Hygienic disciplines


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How to Cite

Буюклянов, А.; Атамбаева, Р.; Эсенаманова, М.; Кочкорова, Ф. ASSESSMENT OF VITAMIN D PROVISION OF THE POPULATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC. ЕЖЗ 2024, 1, 80-88.

