The pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effect of cytokines was studied in 42 patients who were intolerant to local anesthetics for dental use Patients were allowed to have other concomitant types of allergies, such as pollen, food, insect. Determination of the concentration of cytokines IL-4 and IFN- γ in blood serum was carried out by the method of solid-phase immunoassay (ELISA). The presence of allergies to several types of allergens at once was revealed: medicinal in combination with food, medicinal in combination with pollen and medicinal in combination with pollen and food. The obtained results of the study indicate the presence of inhibition of interferogenesis and a decrease in IL-4 in all types of allergies, except for drug allergies and pollen allergies.
medicinal, pollen and food hypersensitivity, IL-4, IFN-γ, local anesthetics.References
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