According to the reporting data, the proportion of children under 14 years of age who became ill in the structure of the total incidence of viral hepatitis A (HA) was 74% in Bishkek, and 88% in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR). The highest incidence rate in the Kyrgyz Republic by age is observed in children aged 3 years (835.0 per 100 thousand population) and 4 years (868.0 per 100 thousand population). Statistical indicators were confirmed by a gray epidemiological study
conducted in 2018 of 995 persons selected by a step-by-step sample, of all age categories, from among the assigned population living in the territory of the CMC No. 11 of the city of Bishkek. The titer of antibodies to CAA (the presence of Anti-HAV in the blood was studied by immune-enzyme analysis (ELISA)) is determined from infancy and reaches 62% by the age of 10-14, then with the increase in age, the share of seropositive increases in parallel. The overall prevalence on the CAA was 82,8%.
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