

Today laryngeal papilomatosis remains one of the unsolved problems of modern medicine. Although the disease has been known since ancient times, there is still no clear algorithm of treatment of such patients. There are numerous ways described in literature to treat more than 50, but there is no radial. This article presents the first results of a study conducted on the basis of the ENT departments of two hospitals, First MGMU named after IM Sechenov and Moscow Regional Research Institute named afterM.F.Vladimirskogo.


Laryngeal papillomatosis, human papilloma virus, combined treatment


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How to Cite

Свистушкин, В., В. Егоров, Д. Мустафаев, А. Рагимов, К. Волкова, and О. Кузнецов. “ОUR EXPERIENCE IN THE TREATMENT OF LARYNGEAL PAPILLOMATOSIS”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2(1), Jan. 2024, pp. 101-4, doi:10.54890/.v2i2(1).1157.

