Presented during the postoperative period in two groups of patients: the first group included patients living in Bishkek (52 pers.) And the second group consisted operated (64 people); living at high altitudes (Naryn region). In evaluating the results of clinical parameters used (to temperature normalization, disappearance of pain, complication rates, timing of hospital treatment), ultrasound examination of the abdomen and ehomorfometriya wounds. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the incidence of complications in patients living in Bishkek was 3.8%, while those living in high altitudes of 7.8%, these differences were significant (P <0.05). Monitor the performance ehomorfometrii at different times after the operation revealed that the area of infiltration in patients with high mountains on day 3 was significantly higher than in those Bishkek (respectively 3,8 ± 0,07 and 3,1 ± 0,05 cm) 5 day significantly decreases rapidly zone infiltration in patients living in Bishkek.
Highlands midlands, gall bladder, inflammation, surgery, complications.References
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