
To identify the most common causes of atrial fibrillation (AF), to develop methods of successful prevention of the disease. Survey included patients with AF, who are hospitalized in the clinical departments of The National Centre of Cardiology and Therapy named by M. Mirrakhimov. The survey includes a detailed collection of complaints, anamnesis, and clinical examination with measurement of blood pressure, anthropometric indicators, a complex of laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation. Detect the functional classes of chronic heart fairway passed by NYHA classification. Survey included 25 patients (9 men, 16 women) with AF. In the group surveyed, only 36% patients determined by a normal body weight, other 32% had overweight and 32% - varying degrees of obesity. In assessing the etiology AF revealed that only 3 patients (12%) had primary AF, while the remaining 22 (88%) - compared to other diseases. Among them, the most frequently encountered coronary heart disease (52%), hypertension (44%), 2 type of diabetes mellitus (20%).
The survey revealed that in 64% cases patients had overweight and obesity. Also found an association between the development of AF and the presence of CHD patients, GB, diabetes type II, in connection with which it is advisable to carry out the primary prevention of the cardiovascular diseases.


obesity, chronic heart fairway, causes of.


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How to Cite

Бакиридин кызы, Ж., А. Керимкулова, А. Байрамукова, Э. Бекташева, and Э. Миррахимов. “ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: RISK FACTORS AND CAUSES OF DEVELOPMENT”. Euroasian Health Journal, vol. 2, no. 2(1), Jan. 2024, pp. 83-86, doi:10.54890/.v2i2(1).1152.

