Given the results of the researches of quality of life in 159 women which are operated due to prolapsed genitalium, 61 patients had genital prolapsed with stress incontinence, in combination with uterine myoma in 36 and a group of patients 62 women, to whom was performed plastic of the vagina by using polypropylene mesh with titanium coating. In assessing the quality of life 6 scales of questionnaire are used: pain syndrome, physical activity, mental health disorders, social, role and sexual functioning. Examinations were done before the operation, 6-12 months and more than a year after the operation. Found that, in women with prolapsed genitalium there are significant violations of the quality of life. Operative treatment leads to gradual improvement of the quality of life, but the most marked improvement noted at the plastic using polypropylene mesh with titanium coating.
prolapsed genitalium, operative treatment, quality of life.References
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