This article reviewed scientific data on the topic of large BPH and methods of surgical treatment of patients with this problem, which included domestic and foreign publications. The object of the study was data on retropubic adenomectomy as a method of surgical treatment of patients with large BPH. The advantages and disadvantages of this method, the proposed modifications to improve the operation are noted. Also, the work on methods of minimizing hemorrhagic complications, which is the leading of all complications, is conventionally divided into groups. After analyzing the scientific literature regarding retropubic adenomectomy, we came to the conclusion that this method of operation is the method of choice in the treatment of large BPH and can be used in practical urology. Thus, the search for new ways to optimize retropubic adenomectomy is a topical issue in modern urology. Which in turn will lead to a significant shift forward in the fight against large BPH.
BPH, hemorrhagic complications, retropubic adenomectomy, prostate volume, dorsal venous complex.References
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