Chief Editor
Editorial Team
Editor in chief-Kudaibergenova Indira Orozobaevna, dr. med. sci., professor
Deputy Editor in Chief – Sopuev Andrei Asankulovich, dr. med. sci., professor, e-mail:
Learned Secretary – Baitelieva Altynai Karypbaevna,,
Editorial Board:
Adambekov D.A - dr. med. sci., professor, academician NAS KR, the head of microbiology, virusology and immunology department
Brimkulov N.N. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of family medicine department
Djumabekov S.A. - academician of NAS. KR, dr. med. sci., professor, the head of the department of traumatology, orthopedy and ES
Djumalieva G.A. - dr. med. sci., professor, Vice-rector for international relations and strategic development, the head of department of General and Clinical Epidemiology
Kudayarov D.K. - academician NAS KR, dr. med. sci., professor, the head of hospital pediatry with neonatology course
Mamakeev М.M. - academician NAS KR, dr. med. sci., professor
Mamatov N.N. - cand. med sci., as. professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Clinical Work
Mamytov М.M. - academician NAS KR, dr. med. sci. professor, the head of neurosurgery department
Omorov R.A. - dr. med. sci., professor, corresponding member NAS KR, the head of faculty surgery department
Raimzhanov A.R. - academician of NAS KR, dr. med. sci., professor
Tukhvatshin R.R. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of department of Pathological Physiology
Yrysov K.B. - corresponding member NAS KR, dr. med. sci., professor of neurosurgery department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs
Editorial Council:
Alymbaev E.Sh. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of faculty pediatrics
Arnoldas Jurgutis - professor, the head of public health department of Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
Atambayeva R.M. – dr. med. sci., professor, the head of hygiene disciplines department
Batyraliev T.A. - dr. med. sci., professor of KSMA n.a. I.K. Akhunbaev
Cholponbaev C.S. - dr. med. sci., professor of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, medications technology department
Chonbasheva Ch.K. - dr. med. sci., professor of hospital therapy, occupational pathology department with hematology course
Davaasuren O.S. - dr. med. sci., professor, the Department of General Practice of the Mongolian State University, President of the Mongolian Association for Palliative Medicine (Mongolia)
Djumabekov A.T. - dr. med. sci., prof, the head of dep. of surgery and endoscopy of KMUNT (Kazakstan)
Ibragimova G.Ya. - dr. pharm. sci., professor, the head of dep. of management and economics of pharmacy with a course medical and pharmaceutical commodity science, Bashkir State Medical University of MH of Russia (Bashkortostan)
Kadyrova R.M. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of children infectious diseases department
Kaliev R.R. - dr. med. sci., professor of faculty therapy department
Karasheva N.T. - cand. ped. sci., the head of the department of physics, mathematics, informatics and computer technologies
Kononets I.E. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of fundamental and clinical physiology department n.a. S.B. Daniyarov
Kuttubaev O.T. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of department of medical biology, genetics and parasitology
Kuttubaeva K.B. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of therapeutic stomatology department
Louis Loutan - professor, University of Geneva (Swiss)
Mamatov S.M. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of department of Hospital therapy, Occupational pathology with a course of Hematology
Mingazova E.N. - dr. med. sci., professor, chief scientist employee of the "NRI of Public Health named after N.A. Semashko" (Russia)
Mirrakhimov E.M. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of faculty therapy department n.a. M.E. Volsky–M.M. Mirrakhimov
Mitish V.A. - cand. med. sci., as. professor, the head of disaster medicine dep. of MI PFUR, Director of the RI of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology of DHM, the head of dep. of wounds and wound infections CRMC n.a. A.V. Vishnevsky, Honored Doctor of the RF (Russia)
Moldobaeva M.S. - dr. med. sci, professor, the head of propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with course of Endocrinology
Mukashev M.Sh. – dr. med. sci, professor, the head of forensic medicine
Musaev A.I. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of department of surgery of general practice with a course of combustiology
Paskhalova Yu.S. – cand. med. sci., as. professor of disaster medicine dep. of MI PFUR, the head of purulent surgery dep. of the dep. of wounds and wound infections CRMC n.a. A.V. Vishnevsky (Russia)
Samorodov A.V. - dr. med. sci., as. professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the Bashkir State University of MH of Russia, the head of department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology (Bashkortostan)
Satylganov I.Z. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of pathological anatomy department
Shekera O.G. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of family medicine institute of National medical academy of post diploma education named after P.L. Shupik (Ukraine)
Stakeeva Ch.A. - cand. med. sci., as. professor, the head of dep. of obstetrics and gynecology №2
Tilekeeva U.M. - dr. med. sci., professor of fundamental and clinical pharmacology department
Usupbaev A.Ch. - dr. med. sci., professor, the head of department of urology and andrology of pre and post diploma training
Usupova Ch.S. - dr. philos. sci., as. professor, the head of department of Philosophy and Social Sciences