Уровень оказания медицинской помощи: организации здравоохранения 1, 2 и 3 уровня.
МКБ-10: Р.77 - Некротизирующий энтероколит у плода и новорожденного.
Библиографические ссылки
1. Pathology and pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns Literature review current through: Mar 2014. | This topic last updated: авг 15, 2013.
2. Clinical features and diagnosis of necrotizingenterocolitis in newborns. Literature review current through: Mar 2014. | This topic last updated: янв 13, 2014.
3. Management of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns, Literature review current through: May 2013. | This topic last updated: мар 5, 2013.
4. Necrotizing Enterocolitis: Predictive Markers and Preventive Strategies NeoReviews Vol.14 No.3 March 2013.
5. Evidence Search, Necrotising Enterocolitis, Patient UK, 17 November 2011.
6. Neonatal Guidelines 2013-15, NEC 2 April 2014.
7. Necrotizing Enterocolitis Risk: State of the Science Sheila M. Gephart RN, BSNJacqueline M. McGrath PhD, RNJudith A. Effken PhD, RNMelissa D. Halpern PhDLinda Ikuta Advances in Neonatal Care April 2012 Volume 12 Number 2 Pages 77 – 87.
8. Prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in newborns. Literature review current through: Mar 2014. | This topic last updated: янв 6, 2014.
9. «Основы ухода за здоровым и больным новорожденным ребенком», Краткое руководство, подготовленное А. Любшисом и И. Захаре, стр.77-79.
10. Решение проблем новорожденных: Руководство для врачей, медицинских сестер и акушерок, Департамент РЗ и исследований ВОЗ, Женева, 2005, F-104-105.
11. Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Authors:Dr. Lakshmi C, (DNB Neonatology) , Dr.Srinivas Murki, DM Neonatology, Fernandez Hospital, Bogulkunta, Hyderabad.
12. The Cochrane Librari, 2012 antibiotic regimens forthe empirical treatment of newborn infants with necrotizing enterocolitis.
13. Necrotizing Enterocolitis Treatment & Management Author: Shelley C Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP; Chief Editor: Ted Rosenkrantz, updated fpr 23, 2014.
14. The Surgical Management of Necrotizing Enterocolitis Clinics in Perinatology - Volume 40, Issue 1 (March 2013) - Copyright © 2013 W. B. Saunders Company