There were carried out screaming ECG and echocardiography investigation and USI of thyroid gland in 2 teenagers of both sex living in Khanty-Mansiysk at the age 14 years. Investigation was simultaneously conducted. Investigation result showed that spreading of rhythm and cardial conduction disturbance in children at the age of 14 of the population of Khanty-Mansiysk was 19,9%. Cardiac arrhythmia is marked more often in boys in comparison with girls of the same age. It defected that frequency of non-specific changes of S-T segment and final part of ventricular complex (code 5-2) according to Minnesota code (codes 4-2) was 3,9% according to strict criteria and non strict criteria (codes 4-3. 5-3)-2,7.
Category of non-specific changes S-T segment and final part of ventricular complex in teenagers was marked 4,5 time more often in boys than in girls, the frequency was considerably 10,6-2,3%. Predictors of rhythmic and cardiac conduction disturbance in teenagers without organic cardiac pathologies are, PMK, LHLZH, thickening of MZHP or ZSZH> 9 and 10 men, increase of ZP sizes>30 mm. In teenagers with cardiac rate disturbances there are focal and diffuse changes of thyroid gland, and it is necessary to take into consideration while making up plan of examination of teenagers with cardiac rate disturbances. High spreading of heart arrhythmia and myocardial hypertrophy of right and left ventricular in children population of Khanty-Mansiysk requires special epidemiological studies and additional investigation methods (Halter ECJ veloergometry and other) and working out therapeutic and rehabilitation measures.
ECG- Minesote code, echocardiogram, ultrasound investigation of thyroid gland, myocardium hypertrophy, cardiac rate disturbances mitral valve prolapse, pupertal period.References
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