Obstructive uropathy is a common cause of acute and chronic kidney disease. Urinary tract decompression is the single most beneficial aspect of treatment; renal failure is often reversible, and the long-term renal prognosis is generally good. Follow-up care is an important but underestimated adjunct to surgical treatment. Acute relief of obstruction is often complicated by sodium and potassium imbalance and post-obstructive diuresis. The principles of long-term
management are the same as for other forms of chronic kidney disease. Purpose of the study: optimization of methods of treatment of obstructive uropathy in different age groups and improvement of the population. Material and methods: the work is based on the results of examination and treatment of pediatric and adult patients with congenital obstructive diseases of the urinary tract, who were treated at the NG MH KR Center for Urology and the Department of Urology of the NCM&D. Conclusions: the use of drug therapy is advisable only after surgical correction of obstructive uropathy, which is based on operations to normalize the passage of urine.
obstructive uropathy, nephropathy, decompression, electrolyte disorders, kidney failure, pyelonephritis, сhronic kidney disease.References
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